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Positive Leader

Leadership Development Training / Management Training for the workplace inhouse / Positive Leadership Workshop /Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin Australia

Positive Leadership is essential in 2021. Leaders need to know more about themselves and their people than ever before. They’ll need to know their own and their team members strengths, emotional hot buttons as well as be able to communicate effectively. We have workshops to inspire and up-skill both seasoned and new to leadership. How do you create and cultivate the culture you need to succeed as an organisation? How do you create the vision, communicate it throughout the organisation and stay on-point during challenging times? You prepare and communicate positively, with impact, you empower to strive for continued growth and yet deliver stability. Options to include various profiling tools including: Profiling tools that we have accredited team members in using: • VIA Character Strengths VIA Pro report, VIA Team, VIA role matching, VIA Me student and youth reports. • Mental Toughness partner accredited to deliver MTQ- Plus, MTQ 48 MTQ 4 C’s • Emotional Intelligence SEI EQ model (Sixth Sense) MHS EQi2.i (MHS) • TMS Team Management Systems including Organisational Values and Window on Work Values • ASA Authentic Strengths Advantage assessments and reports: ASA MindFit ASA Change/Transition ASA Resilience

Positive Leader: Building Strong Teamsâ„¢

Leadership Training Workshop, Positive, Authentic and Contemporary Leadership Development Workshop. Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Hobart, Darwin, Australia Wide

Positively Charged and Resilientâ„¢ (EQ)

Research rich and highly engaging Resilience Training Workshop for Leaders, Resilience training for Conference Keynote and large group interactive workshop which also supports team building and positive culture development Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Perth, Brisbane, Canberra, Travel Australia Wide

Leading a Well Teamâ„¢

Wellbeing Training for Leadership Teams – building a positive, progressive, resilient and sustainable team environment from the front. Adelaide, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Perth, Canberra, Hobart, Darwin Australia wide delivery

Emotional Intelligence at work

Emotional Intelligence Workshop for Leaders and Teams

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H/O 4 Verdun Street
Beulah Park, SA

T: 0430297970

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